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Red Pine Exploration Inc. is a Canadian precious metals explorer headquartered in Toronto, Canada and primarily involved in the identification, acquisition and development of properties in Ontario, Canada. Led by an experienced management and technical team, the Company’s flagship Wawa Gold Project is located 2km southeast of the Municipality of Wawa, in Northern Ontario. The property, comprised of over 6,500 hectares, hosts several former mines with a combined historic production of 120,000 oz gold. The property currently hosts a NI 43-101 Resource of over 700 Koz of gold (both indicated and inferred) with a head grade of more than 5 gpt gold, contained between surface and 350m depth, that Red Pine is aggressively working towards expanding.
Historically, more than 87,000 metres have been drilled on the property. In particular the Surluga Deposit has 252 surface holes totaling 45,346 metres and 1,339 underground holes totaling 41,753 metres. With a comprehensive re-examination of the geology, geophysics, geochemistry, alteration mineralogy and structural geology, Red Pine has uncovered an additional 6 Exploration Targets that, combined, could contain up to 3.0 Moz gold. Red Pine is now ready to execute a strategic drill program designed to expand the existing NI 43-101 mineral resources and to explore the multiple additional highly prospective targets on the property. An estimated 15,000 metres of diamond drilling is planned in 2021 with the program continuing into 2022.
Red Pine recently issued a 43-101 technical report for the Wawa Gold Project that includes over 700,000 ounces gold for the Surluga Deposit and the Minto Mine South Deposit combined, at an average grade of > 5 g/t (both Indicated and Inferred) (May 31, 2019). Both resources are accessible using existing historical underground infrastructure and both appear to be open along strike and at depth. 95% of the current resource is contained between surface and 350 metres depth.
In addition to the two (2) deposits currently identified on the property (the Surluga Deposit and the Minto Mine South Deposit), Red Pine has identified six additional exploration targets, along a gold-mineralization corridor that extends for more than 6 km (the Wawa Gold Corridor).
Wawa Project highlights
“After a great deal of work, we are happy to have consolidated Red Pine’s ownership of the Wawa Gold Project to 100%. Well funded, we are now set to resume our drilling and exploration programs and continue to grow the mineral resources on the property. Our earlier drill programs discovered mineralized zones beneath the Surluga Deposit and six other mineralized exploration targets adjacent to and beyond the current NI 43-101 resources. The focus of our 2021 exploration program will be to expand Surluga at depth and test the other targets. We are very pleased to now be able to fully develop and realize value as we grow 100% of the Wawa Gold Project for Red Pine shareholders.”
Quentin Yarie, President and CEO of Red Pine,
Extension of the Surluga Deposit NI 43-101 Resource
The Company will prioritize the extension of the higher-grade gold mineralization zone discovered in 2020, 300 metres down-dip of the current Surluga Deposit resource which generally lies from near-surface to a depth of 300 meters. Drilling the Jubilee Shear Zone extension at depth will also test the westernmost down-dip extension of the Minto Mine South Shear Zone, host of the second known resource on the Wawa Gold Project – the Minto Mine South Deposit.
2020 diamond drilling highlights in the Jubilee Shear Zone (Figure 1):
A review of historical data suggests that the Jubilee Shear Zone’s northern extension, where limited drilling has been conducted, could host undiscovered zones of high-grade mineralization less than 300 metres below the surface. Geological data recorded in certain boreholes at the edge of the structure’s current footprint suggests potential proximity to stronger mineralized zones.
Targets beyond Surluga
The section below summarizes the exploration targets identified for further investigation.
Jubilee Shear Zone south of the Parkhill Fault
In 2019 and 2020, Red Pine’s mechanized stripping and mapping program on the Jubilee Shear Zone, south of the Parkhill Fault, indicated structural attributes comparable to those found north of the fault. Shallow historical drilling by Duraine Mines Ltd. in 1981 combined with Red Pine’s geological mapping and channel sampling indicated gold mineralization. Drilling in this underexplored extension of the structure could expand shallow gold mineralization in the Jubilee Shear Zone to a 2 km strike length.
Diamond drilling highlights in the southern extension of the Jubilee Shear Zone (source AFRI 41N15NE0055 for Duraine Mines drilling results):
Grace and Nyman Shear Zones
The Grace and Nyman shear systems, host of the historical Darwin-Grace Mine, will be targeted for the discovery of shallow high-grade gold mineralization. Red Pine’s 2017 drilling demonstrated that high-grade gold mineralization is still present outside the mine’s historic footprint and that mineralization in the Nyman vein extends at depth. Red Pine’s mechanized stripping and mapping programs located the Grace Shear Zone extension, 110 metres north of the northernmost underground development of the Darwin-Grace Mine. The 2021 drilling program will test this new area in the structure.
Red Pine’s diamond drilling highlights in the Grace and Nyman Shear Zones:
Hornblende Shear Zone
Red Pine’s diamond drilling in the Hornblende Shear Zone showed that gold mineralization, with potential zones of higher-grade mineralization, occurs over a strike length of at least 1.6 km. The largest zone of higher-grade mineralization, identified by historic drilling and confirmed by Red Pine’s drilling, occurs at the seventh level of the historical Surluga Mine. Red Pine’s drilling in the Hornblende Shear Zone also identified additional zones of broad mineralization with discrete zones of higher-grade mineralization in the structure.
Diamond drilling highlights in the Hornblende Shear Zone include:
Minto B Shear Zone
The Minto B Shear Zone is located above the Jubilee Shear Zone, over the central and southern segments of the Surluga Deposit resource, north of the Parkhill Fault. Diamond drilling and mechanized stripping traced the structure over a strike length of 1 km and uncovered broad zones of gold mineralization. A higher-grade core also occurs in the structure, the size and grade could be defined with additional drilling. Diamond drilling in the Minto B Shear Zone will be undertaken concurrently with resource conversion, definition and exploration drilling in the Jubilee Shear Zone.
Diamond drilling highlights in the Minto B Shear Zone includes:
2021 Drilling and Exploration Program
The main target for diamond drilling in 2021 will be the Jubilee Shear Zone, host of the Surluga Deposit NI 43-101 mineral resource. The resource extension and definition drilling program will test the higher-grade gold-bearing structures previously identified by Red Pine. The Company will also test a number of exploration targets on the property that have the potential to be converted into resources as Red Pine continues to develop the project.
For more information On the Wawa Gold Project please see the Corporate Presentation
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